Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day One Reflection

Today we watched a video of a lady reading  one of  Patricia Polacco's book  "Thank You Mr. Falker" I truly enjoyed  the book  because  as a child  I struggled with learning to read  and  was very  nervous because I wasn't learning as fast as other children. I also did  not  like to read aloud because  like Patricia in the book I stumbled over the words and had difficulty  trying to read , but when I had to read aloud  my reading just seemed to get worse because I was  so nervous about  what the students would say. I think this  book is awesome  to use in a  classroom because  it can  help students see that sometimes everyone struggles and it is  okay  because eventually  you  will catch up and find your place. It also shows teachers to be aware of  your students and learn to pay attention to their needs.
 Next we  took a  trip to the curriculum library where we  were able to learn about all the valuable resources we can use to help us with our studies. Tiffany was very helpful and informative  while  discussing  the resources that are available for us  to use.
 To end the class we  went to a computer lab  upstairs from the library where  we were able to discuss the  expectations  of what we will be doing during the  course. I was  glad that we went over blogging again because it has been a while since I have done a blog  and I forgot how to use the blogging app
Once upon a time  when  I was a child  I  really did not enjoy  reading  due to the fact that   I was having  difficulty  learning to read. In my home as a young  child reading was not  encouraged. Neither  of my parents ever read anything except  the newspaper on  Sundays which   they mainly got the paper for the  sales  fliers and the  coupons. We had a few  books in our house which were  given to us,  but they  were never picked up and we (my sisters and I) were never read to as children. When I started school I knew  my  alphabet and  numbers up to 10. I knew  how to spell  my name,  but did not know how to write it. I believe this is part of the reason why  I struggled so much and  why I disliked reading when entering school. I was in remedial reading  classes until third grade then for fourth grade I didn’t have the classes  but  in  fifth grade I had  remedial classes again. In  the remedial reading class  during fifth grade  the  teacher previously had my older sister and did not like her so  from the moment I walked into the class she  had a problem with me! She  made it  her  job each week to  criticize me in front of the  entire class and by the time I left I had tears streaming down my face.
Description: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/GUx15wiIw-3gTn-y1XKbWlDsyHBOwTs_D8scw45c2NqYQGtQVyf3DYC5bYMMSji9TDA1waWttw51hEx5yV6I3WmSLuNAIkE1SvuxHgI8TsoswpDAZ-NO6SVC_ULROUu4qA

 The  first book  I remember  liking and reading  was a book that was given to  my sister  from one of her teachers. The  story  was “You’re Not my Cat” by Theresa Burns. It was about a cat that always came to a little girl’s house  to play and hang out with the girl I loved the book because I thought it was  so funny that the cat would     go to the girls house every day. When  the teachers called upon  people to read aloud in class I would sink down in my  seat to hide and pray the teacher did not call on me. Throughout the upper grades I did not enjoy  many  of the assigned readings which   continued  my despise for reading. It was not until college  that I started to like reading and really discover what  types of genres I actually  liked and  I started to  foster a love  for reading. The first book that I read that  I truly liked was “Nineteen Minutes” by  Jodi Picoult. The  book was about  a school shooting and  was told by  parents students and teachers that were either in the school or related to the students and explains  how the shooting took place over nineteen minutes. Since I read that book I have started reading  all of the author’s other books and  other books in that genre. I  also enjoy reading the   informational education books that are assigned in classes. I love  learning  about how to teach children and the many strategies, tools and assessments that can be used to help  children attain the skills and information needed to move on .