Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day One Reflection

Today we watched a video of a lady reading  one of  Patricia Polacco's book  "Thank You Mr. Falker" I truly enjoyed  the book  because  as a child  I struggled with learning to read  and  was very  nervous because I wasn't learning as fast as other children. I also did  not  like to read aloud because  like Patricia in the book I stumbled over the words and had difficulty  trying to read , but when I had to read aloud  my reading just seemed to get worse because I was  so nervous about  what the students would say. I think this  book is awesome  to use in a  classroom because  it can  help students see that sometimes everyone struggles and it is  okay  because eventually  you  will catch up and find your place. It also shows teachers to be aware of  your students and learn to pay attention to their needs.
 Next we  took a  trip to the curriculum library where we  were able to learn about all the valuable resources we can use to help us with our studies. Tiffany was very helpful and informative  while  discussing  the resources that are available for us  to use.
 To end the class we  went to a computer lab  upstairs from the library where  we were able to discuss the  expectations  of what we will be doing during the  course. I was  glad that we went over blogging again because it has been a while since I have done a blog  and I forgot how to use the blogging app

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