Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Aha on Fantastic Literature

 Fantastic literature  can include  folklore, fantasy and science fiction.  Fantastic literature seeks to explain or explore  the mysteries of  the world the universe and  the behavior we as humans inhabit.  one interesting fact that stood out to me in the beginning of the chapter was that this genre was originally created  and  used as an escape for the harsh realities  of the children of the mid-nineteenth century. this genre was used to help the children escape the grim realities of the  endless work day.  because many children were faced with the harsh reality of supporting their family  and were forced to work . due to the social and economic conditions in America in the mid nineteenth century many children were forced to work in factories and were faced with long days poor working conditions and these children were robbed of their childhood. these stories came from England and were welcomed with open arm by the  working children because it served as a means of escape from the reality of their lives.

     Quality fantastic literature  meets the criteria in excellence for  narrative  fiction. fantastical literature tends to include  characters from fantasy or  the future world and  contain events that are detailed to the point that they are made believable. The stories are imaginative but still made to be believable  due to the  parameters set with in the story. the rich and clear writing structures create create multidimensional characters  that are consistent and their behavior is logical. The  themes in fantastical literature are  are meaningful which cause the readers to take a second look at their lives and the situations they face on a daily basis.

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